Teenage leisure time in Antwerp

This research highlights the leisure time of Antwerp teenagers (from 10 to 16 years), from a policy perspective. The aim of the research is to provide insights into the leisure activities of young people. In total, nearly 1,000 teenagers were surveyed about their leisure behaviour, their needs and their world. In order to colour in and assist the quantitative results, more than 40 in-depth interviews were conducted with ethnic and native Dutch, vulnerable and non-vulnerable young people and parents.

Duration: 2008-2009

Researchers (Isos): Britt Dehertogh, Hilde Maelstaf


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Reference: Huyge E., Dehertogh, B., Mortelmans, D., Van Assche V., Maelstaf, H. (2009). Vrije tijd door Antwerpse tienerogen. Een onderzoek naar de spanning tussen commercie, leefwereld en jeugdbeleid in Antwerpen. Antwerpen: Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen.