The research report investigates the role of youth work in the leisure activities and experiences of children and young people with disabilities. Life in a care facility has a profound impact. Children and adolescents are inevitably hindered in this way in a’ normal’ life. Schooling, social relations, friendships and family life are fundamentally different. It is precisely for these young people that the space that free time offers for personal development is of fundamental importance. Young people develop resilience during leisure time. They build up a network that can later serve as a safety net when they leave the facility. Central to the research is the question of the perspective of children and young people with a disability about the existing youth work offer: what do they participate in, what expectations do they have and what barriers do they experience?
Duration: 2014-2015
Researchers: Beno Schraepen, Hilde Maelstaf, Marjan Halsberghe, Lien Vanbrabant
Download report (Dutch)
Reference: Schraepen, B., Maelstaf H. & Halsberghe, M. (2015). Vrije tijd als handicapsituatie. De rol van het jeugdwerk binnen de vrijetijdsbesteding van kinderen en jongeren met een handicap. Brussel: Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media.
Article (Dutch) in Welwijs (2017)
Reference: Schraepen, B., Maelstaf, H., Dehertogh, B. & Halsberghe, M. (2017). Vrije tijd als handicapsituatie. Welwijs, 28 (4), p. 21-25.