Commissioned by the City of Ghent, a policy-preparing study was conducted into the demand side of childcare and leisure activities for children in Ghent.
On Friday 18 December 2015, the Flemish Government approved the draft memorandum ‘Guidelines for a new organisation of childcare and leisure activities for children’. The focus is on local cooperation and coordination of supply, with the aim of providing as many children as possible with high-quality care and leisure time. On the basis of existing research, there is already an idea (understanding?) about the most important needs and experiences (Lenaers & Zanoni, 2013; Hedebouw, 2013; Peleman & Boudry, 2016), but with the prospect of direction at the urban level this requires a more local interpretation.
Through participatory, multi-method research, more than 1,200 parents (of children between 2,5- 14 years old) , key figures and also children were asked about what they do after school hours and what their wishes are in terms of care and leisure. Is there enough holiday offer? What happens after school? What do parents and children think is important? How can things be any better? Based on the results, the City of Ghent will work with all its partners.
Duration: 2016-2017
Researchers: Jolien De Veirman, Hilde Maelstaf, Britt Dehertogh, Beno Schraepen
Download report (Dutch)
Reference: De Veirman, J., Maelstaf, H., Dehertogh, B. & Schraepen, B. (2018). Een onderzoek naar de vraagzijde van de buitenschoolse opvang en vrije tijd van kinderen in Gent. Een bevraging van ouders, kinderen en sleutelfiguren. Gent: Stad Gent.