The aim of Urban Culture and Youth (UCAY) is to acquire knowledge from European good practices in the field of culture and youth, and then to use this knowledge in developing training programmes for (semi) professional practitioners who work with (high-risk) urban youth through sports and the arts.
The main concern behind project UCAY is about the future of a considerable group of (high-risk) youth in urban areas in the Netherlands. Alongside this concern, however, opportunities have been observed in the cultural context of these young people. Project UCAY is aiming to ensure that risks in the lives of urban youth are reduced, to prevent them from dropping out of school, for them to gain access to the labour market and to increase the flow of students from secundary vocational education to universities of higher professional education. We want (high-risk) urban youth to develop competences which will enable them to be a part of a society of lifelong learning, and to promote their participation in contemporary urban society.
Looptijd: 2007-2009
Onderzoekers: Michel Tirions, Griet Claus & Jos Pauwels
Referentie: Pauwels, J. , Claus G., Tirions M. & Bossuyt T. (2009). Nest en Veren. Een agogische analyse van het sociaal-artistiek project NEST op het Kiel. Antwerpen: Artesis Hogeschool.
Referentie hoofdstuk in boek: Bossuyt, T. , Claus G., Pauwels J. & Tirions, M. (2010). Young People in Nests. In: Wachelder, K. et al. Building Bridges, Breaking Borders (pp. 128-187). Urban Culture and Youth. Amsterdam: SWP Publishers.