Local youth policy is the result of 20 years of sector engagement, driven by decrees and decisions of successive Flemish governments. The research report looks back at the evolution of local youth policy in terms of organisation and content. A supplementary index booklet contains data on municipal youth policy in 2014-2015. Figures were collected on the basis of an extensive survey of youth services. This provided a great deal of quantitative data on municipal youth policy, which is explained where possible and linked to social policy developments. In this way, the report aims to contribute to the further development of local youth policy.
Duration: 2014-2015
Researchers: Ellen Schryvers, Katrien Van de Mosselaere, Britt Dehertogh
Download report (Dutch)
Reference: Schryvers E., Van de Mosselaer K., Dehertogh B. (2015). 1993-2013: Een terugblik op 20 jaar lokaal jeugdbeleid. Departement CJSM afdeling Jeugd: Brussel.
Reference article (Dutch): Dehertogh B., Van de Mosselaer K. & Schryvers E. (2015). Een volgroeide reeks cijferboeken lokaal jeugdbeleid. Drop zone, 24 (5), p. 18-19.