The report contains the results of a study into the leisure time and leisure experience of children and young people between the ages of ten and eighteen who live in an institution. What role do residential facilities play in the leisure activities of the young people staying there? How do these young people experience the offer? Are they involved in youth work activities outside the facility? What role can youth work play?
Duration: 2015-2016
Researchers: Beno Schraepen, Hilde Maelstaf, Britt Dehertogh, Marjan Halsberghe & Katrien Van de Mosselaere
Download report (Dutch)
Reference: Schraepen, B., Maelstaf H., Dehertogh, B., Halsberghe, M. & Van de Mosselaer, K. (2016). Vrije tijd van jongeren in residentiële voorzieningen. Persoonlijke ruimte of hulpverleningsruimte? Brussel: Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media. Afdeling Jeugd.