Supporting Support Teams

On 1/09/18, the support model was launched under the M-Decree. One or more school groups work together within support networks. Support teams, initially composed of the former GON & ION supervisors, teachers and paramedics from special education, are responsible for supporting an ordinary school. The supporter as a function and support as a concept thus enter the world of education. A first evaluation of the support model presents the following challenges: the need for expertise (type-specific expertise in addition to coaching skills), the need for information and communication on the part of the supporters, parental involvement, the sharp increase in support questions (what is basic care?, what is the role of the Centres for Student Guidance?, …), support in itself (attunement to the question, school collaboration, loosening diagnoses, …) and personnel matters (e.g. filling vacancies and assignments).

In three work packages and on the basis of a multidisciplinary research design, this project aims to explore the concept of support from a scientific point of view and to fund it theoretically, clarify the role of the supporter, promote multidisciplinary cooperation and, in consultation, develop various tools that promote support, communication and expertise development within this context. The explorative research (quantitative and qualitative) focuses on the concept of support and the role of the supporter. A more action-oriented (through training and observation) research is aimed at the development of expertise and sharing of the supporter in his multidisciplinary context. This project was formed in four rounds of discussions with representatives of 5 Antwerp support networks, education policy, colleagues from the training courses involved and in consultation with the support networks working group of the City of Antwerp.

AP University College Courses involved: social eductional care work, occupational therapy, social work, teacher training, banaba autism, applied psychology
Partners: Education network Antwerp, Support networks (Prismaplus, Vokan, Onaplus), dome of parents, inclusion support centre, University of Antwerp

Duration: 2018-2022

Researchers: Beno Schraepen, Britt Dehertogh, Deborah Davits, Reinhilde Lenaerts, Hilde Maelstaf, Marjan Halsberghe