The European ASuMIE-project, funded by Erasmus+ KA2, wants to share knowledge and create network around the concept of additional support in inclusive education. European countries started the process towards inclusive education in a different pace, depending on legislation and educational history. Successful inclusive education depends on the transfer of knowledge and skills and cooperation between teachers, parents and support professionals. The project focuses on strengthening the role and skills of people that support the pupil, the classroom teacher and/or school teams.
Additional support
Support systems for inclusive education widely vary across countries in Europe. There are school-internal support staff and external support staff. Some are highly educated, some lowly educated. Some have a leading role others an executive role. Some are trained in education; others in rehabilitation professions (speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists) and some have no adequate training. It is not clear what works best and if there is a common ground or what methods and ways do work. The project aims to close gaps in training content and create and develop common strategies that can be used by support staff to support teachers and children that experience barriers to learning.
ASuMIE explores and shares
The project wants to explore the context of additional support on the basis of
- The use and interpretation of reasonable accommodations,
- A good understanding of the bridge between transversal cognitive competencies and key competencies for learning and dealing with behavior issues
- Interprofessional-interdisciplinary teamwork
- The competences and training of people supporting inclusive education
- Good practices of support
In order to collect input, local networks, experts and stakeholders will be consulted (consultations, queries or meetings) about the needs, gaps, and strengths in organizing additional support in education and in the training of support professionals. Results of the exploration will be shared through multiplier events in each partner country.
ASuMIE develops and shares
Based on the reports and input of the exploration phase, the project will develop materials that improve a good understanding and organisation of additional support in inclusive education:
- A curriculum and course material (guide book, a case book and video)
- A learning platform
- A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
- A face to face pilot course
All materials will be tested during the project period and open for professionals supporting inclusive education across Europe.
Duration: 2020-2023
Research/project staff: Beno Schraepen, Marjan Halsberghe
ASuMIE Partners: The partners’ consortium consists of 3 higher education training institutions and 5 service providers from BE, BG, CZ, IT, NO, SLO, and P.