Hans Grymonprez (°1969) is a social worker, Master of Science in Social Work and Doctor in Social Work and Social Welfare Studies (Ghent University). His field of research encompasses the broad domain of social work, with a particular focus on social services, primary care and their relationship with care bureaucratic developments. A second area of research is the question of politicisation in social work. Politicisation refers to the search for collective answers to individualised problems.
Hans is a member of the editorial board of the Handbook on Integrated Youth Assistance (Politeia) and editor-in-chief of the Cahier “Building a broad social policy” (Politeia).
In the Bachelor of Social Work program he teaches’ Introduction to social work’, ‘Theory of Social Work’ and ‘Capita Selecta’ in the general program. In the social cultural work graduation program, he works in collaboration with Antwerp actors and students on site oriented projects. In addition, he is a voluntary post-doctoral employee at the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy (UGent). Previously, he worked in the “Algemeen Welzijnswerk” in Ghent and “Uit de Marge vzw”.