Gwendy Moentjens (°1982) graduated in 2005 as a master in clinical psychology at the University of Ghent. Since September 2007 she has been working for the AP University College Antwerp as a lecturer and researcher in the Bachelor of Social Educational Care Work program. In addition, she has work experience as a clinical psychologist and since 2012 she manages the Ghent branch of vzw TEJO.
Because of her interest in youth and youth care she was involved in 2 Erasmus+ research projects. Between 2015 and 2018 she was researcher and developer in the project ‘Safeguarding young children in care’ ( Since 2018 she has been involved as a researcher and trainer in the A Way Home project (
Within the Social Educational Care Work program, she teaches course units from the research and reflective learning classes and supervises graduation projects.