Els De Ceuster (°1978) graduated in 2002 from the then University College of Antwerp as a socio-cultural worker. With experience in social-artistic work, with vulnerable children and young people and the cultural sector, she starts her professional career as a youth consultant within a local government. In 2006 she obtained her Master’s degree in Social Work at the University of Antwerp. Shortly afterwards, she started at AP University College in Antwerp in the course Social Work. In 2018 she obtained a postgraduate degree in supervision, intervision and coaching.
Within the social work program, she coordinates the graduation track of socio-cultural work and participates in (educational) policy and quality processes. As a lecturer she focuses mainly on social-cultural action in general and as a supervisor she focuses on power-oriented guidance for students. She is also actively involved in the international network EUTAG (European Youth and Community Work Training Agency).
Her research interests are: youth work, youth welfare work, local policy, youth and education, coaching and training.